Jinx vs. Uncrossing
Uncrossing Vs. Jinx Removal
When you have a bad situation, the title of the situation (crossed condition or jinxed) really doesn’t matter. You, like many of my clients, only care that the condition ends. Some people, however, are curious as to what the difference between the two conditions actually are. Let’s explore this…
What are the conditions?
Jinx means that you have a streak of bad luck. You know, you lock your keys in the car or you have a nail in your tire at the most inconvenient time. These conditions are inconvenient but are not completely ruining your life.
Crossed means that the jinx or stroke of bad luck is now next level. This looks like no movement in your career after qualified trainings, not feeling understood when trying to convey messages to several different sources on several different subject matters, or sudden loss of business, friends, family members, or money.
Jinx equals small mishaps, and crossed is your life totally changes.
How do we fix the condition?
The conditions are energy. And according to Newton: “energy cannot be changed or destroyed”. We can remove it though!
First, identify what the issue is. Are you crossed or jinxed?
Second, purchase the products to help. Washes work really well with removing negative energy. Select your wash according to your condition. Our washes come with detailed instructions and prayers to help you through this condition.
Here’s the link for our custom MiraMar Uncrossing Wash:
Third, layer your work with a candle. Again, purchase your candle according to the condition you are experiencing. Allow the candle to safely burn and pay attention to the candle for safety hazards.
Here’s the link for the jinx candle: https://miramarbotanica.com/products/jinx-removing
Here’s the link for the uncrossing candle: https://miramarbotanica.com/products/unblocker-candle-1?utm_source=copyToPasteBoard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web
If you are not experiencing any relief from your condition, then, seek the help of a trusted practitioner or spiritual leader.
Many Blessings,